
HEPTech mission is to support large-scale (high-energy) physics facilities to translate innovations into industry/community to generate economic, environmental, and social benefits. HEPTech leverages the strengths of its institutional members to identify and exploit possible synergies within the network by voluntary supporting each member in their technology and knowledge transfer activities.

 HEPTrepreneurs Ep.15
How to build a Deep Tech Venture in 12 Months - Learnings from a Deep Tech Venture Builder Joris Jansens, HighTechXL, Netherlands Tuesday, 9th July 2024, 4 p.m. (CET)
 HEPTrepreneurs Ep. 14
What can a particle accelerator do for industry? Consulting to Academia as a Business Model. Dr. Gerd Datzmann, Datzmann interact & innovate GmbH. Tuesday, 16th April 2024, @4 p.m.
  HEPTrepreneurs Ep. 13
Idea Innovation and Shenzen: The Journey from Lab to Global Markets. Giovanni Schirinzi iMarkerbase September 26th @2 pm
 HEPTrepreneurs Ep. 12
Entrepreneurial Finance from a Business Angels persective. May 30th 2023 @ 4 pm CET
 HEPTrepreneurs Ep. 11
Cold Atmospheric Plasma from lab to clinic. Tuesday 4th April @4 pm CET
 HEPTrepreneurs Ep. 10
Ian Tracey, How to write a business plan 9th November
 HEPTrepreneurs Episode 9
Ian Tracey, Pitching your business ideea, 13th September 2022
 HEPTrpreneurs Episode 8
Learning from successful HEPTrpreneurs. 5th July 2022 @4pm
 HEPTpreneurs Episode 7
Water Drones: A journey from HEP to a Sailing Technology exploitable in other fields. 24th May 2022 @4pm
 HEPTpreneurs Episode 6
The power of, and how to Network , 6th April 2022 @4pm CET
  ENRIITCyourCoffee S5E1
The RI-VIS project: Fostering cooperation beyond Europe 10 March 2022 @15.00 CET
 ENRIITCyourCoffee S4E12
Building a cross-disciplinary catalogue of Research Infrastructures Services - the CatRIS experience. 16 December @15-15.30 CET
 ENRIITCyourCoffee S4E10
ENRIITC @ Tech Connect Europe, 02 December @15.00 CET
 HEPTrepreneurs Episode 5
Station F facility, worlds largest startup campus, 23 November @ 16.00 CET
 TechConnect Europe
TechConnect Europe Innovation Conference & Expo, Malmo, November 15-17 2021
Artificial Intelligence 
Academia-Industry Matching Event, 11-12 Nov 2021
 ENRIITCyourCoffee S4E9
Connecting Business and Research - Knowledge Transfer in Ireland, Thursday, 04 Nov @ 15:00 CET
  ENRIITCyourCoffee S4E8
EMPHASIS & the Innovation Pilot, Thursday, 28 Oct @ 15:00 CEST
  ENRIITCyourCoffee S4E7
EPISODES - a European platform for analysing human-activity induced earth tremors, Thursday, 21 Oct @ 15:00 CEST
  ENRIITCyourCoffee S4E6
Overview of TechConnect Europe and associated Big Science Facilities Summit, Thursday, 7 Oct @ 15:00 CEST
AI STAR - Artificial Intelligence Symposium on Application, Theory & Research, 5-6.10.2021
 HEPTrepreneurs Episode 4
16.00 CEST 21st September 2021 Speaker: Dan Cathie VIVAMOS Srk-h + iPct = vM*s-o [Synchrotron radiation know-how + iPhone camera technology = vivaMOS spin-out]
  ENRIITCyourCoffee S4E3
Mobilising Knowledge Transfer Communities, The session will be led by Laura MacDonald, General Manager at ASTP,Thursday, 16 Sept @ 15:00 CEST
 ENRIITCyourCoffee S4E1
Season 4: Episode 1, ESS Innovation Ecosystem The session will be led by Jimmy Andersen, Head of Innovation and Industry and Interim Head of Grants and External Relations at ESS,Thursday, 02 September, from 15:00 to 15:30 CEST
 HEPTrepreneurs Episode 3
it is how we tell our story that moves grants funders, investors and society to support us, July 20th 2021 at 16:00 CET
 Best practice
Best practice June on Software 23rd June 2021

HEPTech is a network whose objective is to enhance technology and knowledge transfer from fundamental research in physics to society. It is composed of institutions active in particle, astroparticle, nuclear physics and photonics or represented by their Technology and Knowledge Transfer Office respectively.

HEPTech defines technology and knowledge transfer as an exchange or sharing of intellectual property, knowledge, skills, processes or technologies across different organisations, industry and society.

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