About Heptech

Technologies developed for fundamental research in particle, astro-particle and nuclear physics have an enormous impact on our everyday lives. To push back scientific frontiers in these fields requires innovation: new ways to detect one signal amongst a wealth of data, new techniques to sense the faintest signals, new detectors that operate in hostile environments and new engineering solutions that strive to improve on the best.

The scientific techniques and high-tech solutions developed by high energy physics can help address a wide range of real challenges faced by industry and society - from developing more effective medical imaging and cancer diagnosis from positron emission tomography techniques, to inventing the next generation of solar panels from ultra-high vacuum technologies.

HEPTech is the high energy physics technology transfer network (TTN). Bringing together leading European high energy physics research institutions, it provides academics and industry with a single point of unrivalled access to the unique skills, capabilities, technologies and R&D opportunities of the high energy physics community in a highly collaborative open-science environment.

It is difficult and costly for many organisations to carry out the research and development they need to develop new applications, products and processes and for scientists and engineers to turn their technologies into commercial opportunities. HEPTech, as a source of technology excellence and innovation, bridges the gap between researchers and industry and accelerates the industrial process for the benefit of the global economy and wider society.

The Technology Transfer Network offers many opportunities to access the technology offer of its participating institutions or to collaborate using their service capabilities and know-how.


At its 146th Session of March 2008 (CERN/FC/5231 – CERN/2778), Council approved the creation of a Technology Transfer Network (The TT Network), composed of Technology Transfer (TT) offices (known as Nodes) from most of the major public research organisations in Member States that are active in particle, astro-particle and nuclear physics (PP), and is referred to as HEPTech with the mandate of increasing the effectiveness of Knowledge and Technology Transfer (KTT) activities in Member States.


CERN- European Organization for Nuclear Research

CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland

Phone:+41 22 76 71253

Email: HEPTech.Network@cern.ch

Jean Marie Le Goff

HEPTech Chairman

Ian Tracey

Secretary General of HEPTech

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